People Who Cannot Say “I” Will Not Achieve The Courage To Say The Word “We”
People Who Cannot Say “I” Will Not Achieve The Courage To Say The Word “We”

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
― Maya Angelou

Like people of other religions, strengthen my individual role as a contributing member in my local community to push for creative change. Like other Americans, I have the right, the license, and the sanction to speak out in the first person plural and we as a group of people in this society have a duty to contribute to the whole.

When there has been confusion, the joining of multiple ideas to form a single issue that contributes to uncertainty about Islam, I will defend my right as an America to contribute to a better union.

To exert my best effort to clarify the blurring of the issues which entangle Islam in personalities, then often used in political strategies to disparage.

To uphold the American dream that includes life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all. A dream does not perish on its own. A dream is destroyed by the choices ordinary people make about important changes.

To speak out in clear self-definition, It is the fact of social loneliness and of uneasiness isolation, under-represented groups feel within the crossfire of a hostile social structure. We come offering the olive branch of diplomacy and with a willingness to be of help to a democratic society that is striving to develop the bonds of liberty and equality for all

Never to ignore the voices of the youth and urge them to contribute their voices so that their understanding and can join adults as the co-collaborators in creative propositions so that they are not left out of the room of ideas, so their voices help build the contributions of the Muslim Society in building for good governance for American people.

To eliminate a blurring of the issues, entangling Islam in personalities that do not represent Islam and allow for election strategies the denigrate the religious, instead of clarifying it for Islam for Non-Muslims and some Muslims and define its true values with clarity and truth

I, as a Muslim, to respect true democratic institutions that allow for the voice of all people to be included in the dialogue of liberty, justice, religious freedom, inclusion, and all civil rights.

We are a community of Muslims
We are Americans, immigrants, and friends of allies
allies that advance full and equal participation of all people in the civic, economic, and cultural life in the United States of America through civic participation, education, and advocacy. We believe that mutual respect, appreciation for diversity, support for multiculturalism will eliminate an unsound social policy that allows some to look at others as aliens.
We are people with whom we share a city, a community; and are bound to each other in common in a common land. Our vision is to join in a common effort.
History has created a fear of many Americans believe is Islam. What occurred on 9/11 has nothing to do with Islam but a political agenda that does not define the religion. Islam is a religion and Muslims do not advocate violence in furtherance of Islamic values. To do so would be against the teachings of its teachings.

We, share with you the same brief moment of life; we seek, like all people, the opportunity to experience a life of purpose and with contentment whatever happiness and fulfillment we can.
We must admit the vanity of our false distinctions among men and learn to find our own advancement in the search for the advancement of others.
We must admit in ourselves that our own children’s future cannot be built on the misfortunes of others. We must recognize that this short life can neither be ennobled or elevated by hatred, bigotry or vengeance. Our lives on this planet are too short and the world to be built and a society that flourish and will be inherited by our children.
We can create it on a foundation of war or on peace, but war will reap benefit for no one those who strive for peace with live with the benefits of a world that will allow them the chance to live out their lives in purpose and in happiness, winning whatever fulfillment they can.
MASJD is dedicated to fighting injustice and hate and to seeking decency for the most vulnerable members of our society. Using litigation, education, and other forms of advocacy, the MASJD works toward the day when the ideals of equal justice and equal opportunity will be a reality. Conservatives are generally the ones who speak more passionately of patriotic values. They are often the first to rise up to protest insults to the statutes that remind Americans of a time which is best forgotten. But, it is their actions that reduce America to something rather tight and mean and sour, and they make legitimate symbols less meaningful than they should be. This is why we are here. We must help build a better and stronger inclusive America.
Many Muslims live and work, as a result, in somewhat the same state of mind as intellectual troopers, determined somehow to awaken their communities, the young people, students, to spark their curiosity and to open up their minds, yet no less determined to practice their religious duties. We live and work with a strong resolve to raise some basic, challenging and tough questions in the consciousness of our members. Isn’t it time more of us began? Isn’t it time to free ourselves from impotence and from inactivity—in order to be able to make a contribution? One logical first step in this process is the effort to accept that Islam goes beyond Friday prayer and is a way of life. America is not a retirement plan but requires a contribution from all its members. sanctuary of There are dozens of ways to open up you life to contributing to the greater good.

Youth Matters
History has shown that young people have always been a force for good. Our schools, neighborhoods, cities, states, and countries would be much better places for everyone if youth participation in policymaking was the norm, not the exception. Through their actions, the world has changed. Because young people often have the desire, energy, and idealism to do something about the injustice they see in the world, they are powerful agents for change.
Most of us were once strangers in this land. This is why MASIJC fights tirelessly for those making their own flight from war and oppression. Historically we have called for just and humanitarian immigration policies. Join us. Be a part of the struggle for freedom.
Sean Penn may be widely known as an actor, but he’s also the founder of the nonprofit organization CORE — Community Organized Relief Effort. The organization has provided services following major disasters in Haiti and New Orleans and is now working to increase testing for the coronavirus in Los Angeles. To date, CORE has tested more than 20,000 Angelenos at six different sites in L.A. and Malibu.
Penn said that the lessons he and his team members have learned over the past decade allowed them to act fast when COVID-19 hit. “Because I had this organization with skill sets, with a lot of talented, very bright people, and very experienced, when this outbreak happened with this pandemic, I was able to quickly mobilize our people to respond,” said Penn.
Crediting, again, the people with whom he works, Penn said that his organization’s efforts
Before he leaves the sites, Penn puts a second mask over his regular one to cover a greater surface area and used disinfectant wipes all over his truck's dashboard.
The actor and activist has been helping his foundation run the Malibu testing site, which offers free tests to first responders and essential workers, as well as all local Malibu residents.
The drive-through offers two different coronavirus tests: a nasal swab that's pushed all the way back to the throat, as well as an antibody test that requires a small finger prick and can determine if someone is infected with the coronavirus or was previously infected.
The nasal swab takes two to three days to get results back, while the antibody test can take five to seven days. Penn and CORE have also been helping to run drive-through testing locations throughout the city of Los Angeles.

With an eye toward expanding his test sites outside of L.A., Penn added that he hopes the pandemic will ultimately push Americans towards fact-based decision-making.
“It's my hope that this will be an experience that turns the light on and says, we've got to pay attention to science,” he said. “We have to have public policy that pays attention to science, supports science… I am an optimist almost enough to believe that this can really unify and move us forward.”
Dear Reader,
If you learn anything from our work, I first and foremost hope you will see that it is not just about policy concerns, although that is part of it; it is about people. People matter. Their struggle to live as human beings matter. I sincerely hope that some of what we do in the name of justice and civil rights will challenge and inspire you. Throughout our work we have tried to emphasize our responsibility as human beings to ourselves and to each other.
The world is not what it once was, and we are not who we were, but we can take power over becoming the good people we seek to become — if we are willing to spend a few hours and find reasons to ponder what it means to be kinder and more compassionate; people who are willing to contribute to one’s community, to one's society and this country because life, liberty, and justice demand that we do so. vibrant human future: We are all foot soldiers in the struggle to unify the human spirit despite all the disruptions of conflict, war and natural calamities.
Faith is not a call to escape responsibility but to embrace it.
Creation is not an complex testing ground with nothing but moral obstacles to overcome but instead, a summons to come an join in the work of helping others; a voice urging to be involved in actively working to improve the world we were born to by our individual and collective efforts making it a kinder, and safer place.
Khalilah Sabra, Executive Director
Attorney of Law
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